I’m Coach Sarah, an ex-corporate-CEO who waited until the beautiful age of 40 to make the big, bold leap to build my OWN DREAM.

I’m living, breathing proof that it is NEVER too late to go after it, whatever IT is for you.

My fire is LIT ! And my mission is to help as many women as possible build wildly successful businesses and careers on their OWN terms.

Hello Friends!

I spent the first 17 years of my career building art consulting company Kalisher with Founders Jesse and Helen. Fresh out of college and driven to prove what a powerhouse I could be, I accepted a part-time admin role working in a spare bedroom in the Kalishers’ home. During that 17 years, we grew from three people to 100, hit $20M+ in revenue, sold to a private equity firm, lost our dear Founder Jesse to cancer, acquired direct competitor Soho Myriad, and navigated a pandemic. It was one helluva a ride.

My professional growth followed that of the company, taking me from admin to management to COO and ultimately CEO, leading the organization through its epic wins and heartbreaking losses. I learned so much about building, running, and scaling businesses, AND about resiliency and rest. Sharing this wisdom with other women to help them WIN in business and beyond feeds my soul, and is a f*ck ton of FUN.

June 3, 2022 was my last day with Kalisher. Eight months prior I’d made the decision to move on because I was DRIVEN and READY to take the full force of my business building energy and pour it into my OWN dream. So after helping my PE boss bros find and place a new CEO, and facilitating a smooth transition, I said goodbye to what had been my entire career up to that point.

As I drove down the highway that day, toward a weekend away with friends, it hit me HARD…

I was free. I was REALLY DOING THIS!

Tears, laughter, head shaking, dancing, I must have looked like I was having a seizure to cars driving past. It was one of the most profoundly emotional moments I've experienced and though I’m deeply grateful for my many years with Kalisher, letting it go to pursue MY passion and purpose was 100% the right decision.

Selfie of Executive Coach Sarah driving a car, holding her fist in the air in a gesture of success, with her mouth open wide to suggest YEAH

Fast forward to now…

I’ve built another wildly successful business, and this time it’s 100% mine. F*CK YEAH!

A business built on my values, serving the clients I love, by helping them go after their OWN dreams.

A business that provides me with the flexibility to show up for my family, friends, and SELF whenever the f*ck I feel like it.

A business that makes me the money I need AND want to provide for my family, save for my future, give to the causes I care about, and have SO MUCH FUN!!

Other fun facts about me:

Executive Coach Sarah wearing an orange bathing suit singing into an empty toilet paper roll on the back patio of a home

I’m a divorced mom to two terrific teens who endlessly impress me with their kindness, empathy, curiosity, and brilliance.

I literally have the BEST boyfriend on the planet. Seriously, challenge me, I’ll win.

We have two cats, a ball python, a crested gecko, five chickens, and a nano saltwater aquarium. The snake is the easiest.

I was born in SoCal, grew up in SoFla, and I’ve lived in NC since 2004. Cold is my kryptonite.

I qualified for the Boston Marathon with a time of 3:27, and ran it during the worst weather the race has ever seen. 0 stars.

Coffee over tea, salt over sweet, yes to cilantro, hell f*cking no to coconut.

My karaoke song is 4 Non Blondes - What’s Up?.